Rapperul și vedeta TV Nick Cannon a anunțat că i-a murit bebelușul de cinci luni

09 12. 2021, 14:03
Los Angeles, CA - Nick Cannon breaks down in tears on his talk show as he reveals his five-month-old son Zen has died from brain tumor. Cannon openly cried as he announced his youngest son – five month old Zen – had passed away. The TV host revealed Zen’s condition had 'developed quickly over Thanksgiving’ and that he spent this past ‘final weekend’ with him and baby mom Alyssa Scott on a California beach He made the announcement on The Nick Cannon Show Tuesday morning, telling the audience Zen passed away after previously suffering from hydrocephalus, in which fluid builds up in the cavities of the brain and increases the size of the ventricles, putting pressure on the brain. Cannon, 41, said the tumor developed quickly around Thanksgiving, and as he broke down in tears on his show, he told how he spent this past weekend in California to share a few last moments with Zen. The actor said he took his son on a trip to the beach on Sunday and held Zen for the last time. He died soon after. Cannon explained on his show that the issues with Zen began when he was about 2 months old, when he and Zen's mother noticed his head seemed large. They thought he had developed a sinus issue. Cannon said: “I always noticed he had a cough and so I wanted to check it out. He had this interesting breathing and by the time he was two months, he had this nice sized head too - a Cannon head. We didn't think anything of it. But I wanted to take him to the doctor for his sinus and breathing. We thought it would be routine.” But instead, the baby had to have brain surgery and a shunt put in place to drain the fluid. From there, Cannon said, things just got worse. He added: “This weekend, I made a valid effort to spend the most quality time with Zen. We woke up on Sunday and went to the ocean with him and Alyssa, and then I had to fly back to New York for the show. I got a call on my way to the airport to head back to Zen.” Cannon then recounted how he held his son for the last time this weekend, saying: “You can't heal until you feel.” Hydrocephalus affects one or two of every 1,000 babies born in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Zen was Nick's seventh child, delivered in June by former flame Alyssa Scott. He was the fourth of Nick's children born within the past year and a half, with twins Zillion and Zion born in June, and his daughter, Powerful, born last December. *BACKGRID DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADIN BACKGRID UK 7 DECEMBER 2021,Image: 646858813, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES, *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Pictured: Nick Cannon, Credit line: Profimedia

Rapperul și vedeta de televiziune Nick Cannon a împărtășit fanilor talk show-ului pe care îl găzduiește că mezinul său, un băiețel de cinci luni, a murit.

„În weekend, mi-am pierdut fiul cel mic, din cauza unei afecțiuni numite hidrocefalie, care era aproape o tumoare cerebrală malignă, invazivă, pe linia mediană, cancer cerebral”, a spus Cannon foarte emoționat. „Este greu”, a mai spus acesta.

Zen era copilul lui Cannon cu modelul Alyssa Scott.


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Rapperul mai are șase copii din alte relații, inclusiv gemeni cu cântăreața Mariah Carey.

Hidrocefalia este o acumulare de lichid în creier care poate fi fatală. Cannon a mărturisit că și-a petrecut weekendul trecut cu fiul său în California și a spus că „nu numai că a văzut răsăritul, ci și apusul”. „Nu știam cum mă voi descurca astăzi”, a spus Cannon publicului său. „Dar am vrut să jelesc împreună cu familia mea”.

Nick Cannon a adus-o în platou și pe terapeuta și prezentatoarea TV dr. Laura Berman, pentru a discuta despre durerea pierderii unui copil. Berman a anunțat în luna februarie că fiul ei, Samuel, a murit din cauza unei supradoze accidentale de droguri, la vârsta de 16 ani, informează CNN.

CITEȘTE ȘI: Michael Fassbender, surprins cu un bebeluș în brațe; el și Alicia Vikander ar fi devenit părinți

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